Top 10k strings from Super Draw (19xx)(-).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 x1-x,y1-y: 1 SUPER DRAW 1 ;x;" "; 1 ;''"SUPER DRAW is a program to aid the usage of hi-resolution 1 ;'"S is to draw a square when you input half the length of a side."''"0 is to input OVER "''"T is to draw a triangle"''"Z is to stop."'' 1 ;"I to change ink colour"''"G to save the picture on tape under given name"''"L to draw a line"''"V to clear screen"''"Your present coordinates appear at the bottom of the screen" 1 ;"Do you want instructions ? 1 ;" "," ": 1 ''"C to draw a circle"''"P to make a copy of the present coordinates for later use"''"O to print on screen": 1 '"Here are the facilities 1 "y-axis ? ";y2: 1 "y-axis ? ",m: 1 "x-axis ? ";x2: 1 "x-axis ? ",n: 1 "words ? ",w$: 1 "space between lines ? ";u: 1 "size of side ? ";z;: 1 "size of half square ? ";a: 1 "size of curve ? ";z: 1 "radius ? ";z: 1 "name ? ";s$: 1 "line ? ";l,"column ? ";c: 1 "Paper ? ";p: 1 "PLOT y ? ";y: 1 "PLOT x ? ";x: 1 "INK ? ";i: 1 "DRAW y ? ";y1: 1 "DRAW x ? ";x1: 1 "Border ? ";b: 1 " OVER ? ";o: 1 inbetween these"''"1 to return to screen centre"''"Q to change the plot position"''"W is to draw curves "; 1 graphics on the ZX-Spectrum"''"Press any key to continue": 1 available in SUPER DRAW ."''"5,6,7 and 8 for normal direction"''"E,R,D and F for the points 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO START